--- icon: material/download description: Downloads! --- # Downloads All downloads are limited to 5MB/s ((5 Megabytes) 40 Megabits per second) ## Worlds All world downloads are built weekly on Sunday at approximately 01:00 America/New_York time ??? tip "How to use" Simply extract the file using your favorite archive utility into a new folder in your Minecraft saves directory. [Survival World :material-download:](https://www.midnightvalley.net/downloads/survival.tar.gz){ .md-button } [Creative World :material-download:](https://www.midnightvalley.net/downloads/creative.tar.gz){ .md-button } [S2 World :material-download:](https://www.midnightvalley.net/downloads/season2.tar.gz){ .md-button } [S3 World :material-download:](https://www.midnightvalley.net/downloads/season3.tar.gz){ .md-button } ## Schematics [The Cabin Schematic :material-download:](https://www.midnightvalley.net/downloads/schematics/the_cabin.schem){ .md-button } ## Everything else [View all files](https://www.midnightvalley.net/downloads/){ .md-button }