icon: material/currency-usd
description: See how much it costs to run the server and how to donate.
# Costs and Donations
Running Minecraft servers has some costs, and I would really appreciate your help in keeping the server up and running. Below is a cost breakdown.
## Costs
| What | Period | How much |
| Electricity | Monthly | 24c/KWh * ~100W continuous = ~$17.53 |
| Domain (midnightvalley.net) | Yearly | $15.16 ($1.26/M) |
| Internet | Monthly | $37.50 (Let's say $9.40 for the server) |
| Subnet's Time | N/A | Coffee :coffee: |
| **TOTAL** | **Monthly** | **~29.19 + Coffee** |
## Donations
Hey there,
I really appreciate your support, every little bit helps! Behind the scenes, keeping these servers up can be a bit of a challenge, so, the coffee helps!
There will be no rewards for donations, in-game or otherwise. Donations will also not affect your status on the server including bans, kicks or whitelist. Simply my gratitude and thanks. It really does mean a lot to me. :slight_smile:
Donations are non-refundable.
\- **Subnet** :material-account-network:
## Transaction History
History of purchases and donations.
Key: :material-fire: = Current | :material-check: = Previous
!!! tip "December 2023"
Transactions for the month of December 2023
| What | Date | Amount |
| General Cost | N/A |
-$29.19 | | **TOTAL** | **November** |
| ??? success "November 2023" Transactions for the month of November 2023 | What | Date | Amount | |--------------|--------------|-----------------------------------| | Domain | 11/08/2023 |-$12.16
| | General Cost | N/A |-$29.19 | | **TOTAL** | **November** |
| ??? success "October 2023" Transactions for the moth of October 2023 | What | Date | Amount | |--------------|--------------|-----------------------------------| | General Cost | N/A |-$29.19 | | **TOTAL** | **November** |
| !!! Abstract "2023 Total: -$99.73"